Von X Ehemalige VBU-Partner auf Freitag, 20. November 2020
Kategorie: Mittelstand internationalisieren

Change Management leads to cost efficiency!

Each change of processes require a precise planning. This is also the situation in the area of cost reduction measurements which are, amongst others, accompanied by process optimizations. These ones will have effects on the production factors e.g. the factor work = employees = human. It is possible that conflicts may arise. 

Change in processes involves the acceptance of the employees.

The situations are divided into three categories:

However, one has to convince and train the employees on the “newly changed” processes, so they accept and live the change.

This also leads to the employees being satisfied with the work they are performing.

Activities need to be coordinated and stakeholders must be informed permanently.

A strong change management is required to coordinate the activities as the changes will strike many different areas. Fields of change management are among other things:

Stakeholders need to be informed on the progress of the project and occurring bottle necks or resistance, which, if needed, have to escalated.

Consideration be given to company issues.

Attention has to be drawn to the following areas:

By changing the processes of the company it is important to pay attention to policies and procedures, employees and the habit within the company. Any change needs to be performed smoothly. Radical changes may lead to knowledge persons leaving the company. Although one may have descriptions of the ongoing processes it takes some time to understand and acknowledge the whole process. Also this avoids riots within the group of employees.


Each area should be analysed in detail to react properly and professionally on arising issues respectively to act already correct in the run-up.

First the target must be defined precisely and well communicated to the concerned employees as well as to the team members. The actual situation has to be captured hereafter to define the strategy of performing the change process. It is important to receive and keep a clear and unambiguous support of the management for the defined strategy and the change process.

A good communication of successes and failures with proposals for correction is crucial. In each process of change there will be resistance, emotions and conflicts.

Michael Böhne

BMS – Böhne Management Service

Partner des VBU (Verbund Beratender Unternehmer)

 Phone: +49 (0)172 291 927 4

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